Articles in Current Volume (74)
Priorities of School Superintendents for Hiring and Supervising School-Based Agricultural Education Teachers in Oklahoma, Christopher J. Eck and Nathan A. Smith
Meaningful Skills for the Agricultural Workforce: Assessing the Confidence Levels of Agricultural Educators to Integrate STEM into their Curriculum, William Norris and Lacey Roberts-Hill
Exploring Agricultural Literacy: Instructional Practices for Advancing Student Writing in Agricultural Education, Chris Clemons, Jason D. McKibben, Clare E. Hancock, and James R. Lindner
Perceived Challenges Facing Arkansas Agricultural Education Over the Next Decade, Christopher M. Estepp, Bryan D. Rank, Alyssa Johnson, and Trent Wells
Perceptions of Career and Technical Education Supervisors Toward Core Subject Area Integration in an Agricultural Education Program, Andrew C. Thoron, Eric D. Rubenstein, and Taylor D. Bird
Concerns of New Agriculture Teachers Participating in an Induction Program, Jilian C. Ford, Misty D. Lambert, and Wendy J. Warner
The Challenges of Being an Urban Student of Color in Agricultural Education, Through the Eyes of Their Teachers, Callan Hand, Ashley M. Yopp, D. Barry Croom, James C. Anderson II, and Aaron Golson
Collaboration that Matters: 15 Years of Land-Grant University Research to Mitigate a Devastating Pest in the United States, Damilola Ajayi and Kathleen D. Kelsey
You Can’t Train Them to Care: Perceptions of Florida’s Young Farmers and Ranchers Leadership Group on Necessary Skills for High School Graduates to Gain Entry-Level Employment, Heather L. Young, R. G. (Tre) Easterly III, Amy M. C. Brown, and James (J.C.) Bunch
Using Students’ Chosen Gender Pronouns in School-Based Agricultural Education (SBAE): An Exploratory, Longitudinal Study of Preservice Teachers’ Perceived Knowledge and Preparedness, Tyler J. Price and M. Craig Edwards